On Tuesday 8th March meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity were held in Cheveley Parish Hall. Six Councillors were in attendance, together with District and County Councillor Alan Sharp and several members of the public. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Allie Day.
The additional vacancy left by the resignation of Richard Fullerton can now be filled by co-option. This means that there are now 4 vacancies for Councillors – three in the South Ward and one in the North. The vacancies had been advertised on the Council’s website and Facebook page and also on Notice Boards throughout the Parish. Anyone interested in becoming a Parish Councillor should contact the Clerk for further information. Whilst serving as a Councillor is on a voluntary basis, a salaried position for a caretaker/cleaner is also advertised for the pavilion and parish hall. It is hoped that a local person will be employed to fill this vacancy although as yet no applications had been received. Once again please contact the Clerk if you would be interested in undertaking this role.
It was noted that the change of day to Monday for the collection of rubbish throughout the Parish would commence on 28th March.
A final push was required to complete the Neighbourhood Plan and funding was agreed to provide consultancy support for this.
Councillor Treanor had attended the Local Highways Improvement panel meeting on 21st February when speeding issue measures in Oak Lane was one of the applications considered. The outcome of the application would be known at the end of April. Councillors considered, and agreed to, the purchase of a second Moveable Vehicle Activated Sign, at of £2,028.85 plus VAT. More volunteers are still required to help move the sign on a regular basis throughout the parish to help overcome the speeding problem. Once again the Clerk would be able to provide further information to anyone interested.
It was also agreed to purchase 5 additional bollards to protect verges in Church Lane and to install a dog waste bin at Broomstick Corner providing a suitable place to put it could be established.
Emails had been sent to all community groups inviting nominations for the McCalmont Cup and Young Volunteer of the Year Awards which close at the end of the month and would be presented at the Annual Parish meeting on Tuesday 26th April. Details are also available on the website and Facebook page.
It was noted that the Great British Spring Clean was being held from 25th March until 10th April.
The Parish Hall continued to receive numerous bookings and it seemed that the present system of allowing regular groups to have a key was working satisfactorily. An updated hire agreement and terms and conditions of hire were approved. Quotations had been received to rebuild a new retaining wall between the Parish Hall and the neighbouring property. After considerable discussion it was decided to ask one of the companies to proceed with the work following liaison with the owners of the next door property. The projector screen presently situated at the pavilion would be relocated to the Parish Hall. Work to provide storage space at the hall, which had been agreed at a previous meeting, had not commenced and this would be followed up.
A resident had raised the issue of parking on Broad Green. It was decided to enquire whether any action could be taken to alleviate the problem as there are no suitable parking facilities elsewhere.
A meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity immediately followed the Parish Council meeting when it was reported that minor plumbing issues had been dealt with. Fire Safety checklists, public liability certificates and key holder information have been updated. Checks on the First Aid boxes had revealed that some items were out of date and these would be replaced.
Cheveley Sports Club will be commencing regular sessions at the pavilion on Friday 29th April. Newmarket Cycling & Triathlon Club would be holding an event there on Sunday 27th March.
Re-seeding of the goal mouths of the football pitches would be undertaken as necessary. The Sports Club would be given authority to move the goal posts when needed.
Work on the outside of the Recreation Ground wall would recommence during April.
The next meetings would be held on Tuesday 12th April 2022 at 7.30 p.m. in Cheveley Parish Hall. For information on this or any other matter please contact the clerk, Mrs Marilyn Strand clerk@cheveley-pc.gov.uk, Telephone 01638 780835.