On Tuesday 16th May, the first meetings of the new term of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity were held in Cheveley Parish Hall. All six Councillors were present together with District Councillor James Lay.
The first item on the agenda was to elect a Chairman. The outgoing Chairman, Sallie Thomas, nominated former Vice Chair, James Hadlow, for the role and he was elected. Councillor Rob Treanor was elected as Vice Chair. Brent Noble was co-opted back on to the Council.
The annual Internal Audit report had not identified any problems and the Council expressed its gratitude to Clerk, Mrs Sally Hughes, for all her work on this in the short time that she had worked as Parish Clerk to Cheveley Parish Council. Similarly the Annual Governance and Accounting Statements for 2022/23 revealed no adverse issues and were approved and signed. Other administration items were reviewed and approved. It was agreed that, apart from any exceptional circumstances, meetings would continue to be held on the second Tuesday of every month with the exception of August.
It was reported that there was concern at the recent development at Brook Field regarding the time that rubbish is being put out and the volume of it so close to properties there. There was little that the Parish Council could do about this as it was an East Cambridgeshire District Council issue.
There was ongoing concern regarding parking around the school mostly at the beginning and end of the school day which was causing annoyance to neighbouring properties. Road Safety Partnership, the Police and PCSOs are working to resolve the issue.
Councillor Treanor informed the Council that work under the Local Highways Initiative scheme in Oak Lane was almost complete with just the dragon teeth road marking left to do.
Councillors were delighted to learn that an agreement had been reached with Cambridgeshire County Council concerning School parking arrangements in the Parish Hall car park.
The council received a report from the clerk regarding water safety management. It was resolved to accept the proposal within the report to ensure that the council is meeting their statutory obligations.
Nominations had been received for the McCalmont Cup which is awarded annually for service to the local community. From these, a winner was selected who would receive the award at the Annual Parish meeting on 13th June. Similarly from the nominations received in the young volunteer of the year section an award would be made at the Annual Parish meeting.
At the meeting of Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity that followed it was reported that the annual play area inspection had taken place and had highlighted some areas of concern. Of these, the most serious item had been temporarily closed until repairs could be undertaken.
A new shower had been fitted at the pavilion to replace the broken one.
The Dog Warden confirmed that she will patrol the Recreation Ground and engage with dog owners to encourage responsible dog ownership.
The next meetings will be held on Tuesday 13th June when the Annual Parish meeting will be held at 7 p.m. immediately followed by the Parish Council meeting.
For information on this or any other matter please refer to the website (www.cheveley-pc.gov.uk) or contact via: clerk@cheveley-pc.gov.uk, or telephone 07483 107014.