On Tuesday 13th July meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity were held in Cheveley Parish Hall. Seven Councillors were in attendance, together with the Clerk, Marilyn Strand, and District and County Councillor Alan Sharp.
Thanks were given to Councillor Allie Day and to Marilyn Strand, Parish Clerk for cleaning notice boards throughout the Parish. They had both also attended Code of Conduct training on 24th June.
District and County Councillor Alan Sharp reported that there had been a Highways and Transport meeting and it was anticipated that bids for the next round of Local Highways Improvements would close on 15th September.
The Parish Hall has been allocated street number 102 by the Street Naming & Numbering team at East Cambridgeshire District Council. Statutory bodies have been informed. A proposal to change the Council’s office address for all postal correspondence to this was considered and it was agreed to proceed to this effect. An external mail box had been purchased and would be fitted soon.
Further kind donations from local studs had been received and the donators thanked. It would now be possible to plan for built-in storage to be installed together with window coverings and other minor but necessary items to be facilitated.
The suggestion to name the room to the left of the reception area The Old Chapel Room having been rejected several other suggestions were put forward. The decision that was made would be announced in due course. The room to the right had been called The Garden Room.
Despite frequent reminders from the Clerk the Surveyor had not been responsive in obtaining quotations for the work on the retaining wall between the hall and its neighbouring property. It was decided that if nothing had been heard from him soon alternative arrangements would have to be considered. .
BT had completed the installation of broadband and an upgrade to Super-Fast Fibre had also been completed. It was agreed to purchase and install Wi-Fi equipment to allow unlimited users.
The floor of the old chapel room had been sanded and sealed and would be in use within a few days.
Some work on weed killing in the car park and cutting the grass would be carried out.
Preparation work on the kitchen had begun and units are expected for installation during the week beginning 2nd August. It was felt that renovations would be sufficiently advanced to allow for the official opening on Sunday 5th September. The management team would be asked to organise the event.
Further to a request from a resident it was agreed to put a dog waste bin at Broomstick Corner.
The Council had no objections to an application for an ice cream vendor to operate in the Parish.
It was felt that plans should be formulated to organise events to celebrate HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee during 2022. Parish Councillors would meet with the Hall Management Team to discuss this.
A meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity commenced immediately after the Parish Council meeting. Once again there was major concern regarding continued vandalism of the pavilion and its surrounding area. It was felt that this could not be allowed to continue and a quotation would be obtained for CCTV to be installed.
Further to a resident enquiry it was agreed to chase up the contractor regarding the wall renovation which seemed to have lapsed.
All the algae had been removed from the children’s play equipment, fencing, signage and litter bins and a pothole repair had also been completed.
The keyholder information in the window of the pavilion had been updated.
Monthly checks had continued on the defibrillator and the process of moving this to the Parish Hall had started.
For further information on any item please refer to the website (www.cheveley-pc.gov.uk) or contact the clerk, Mrs Marilyn Strand (clerk@cheveley-pc.gov.uk, telephone 01638 780835).
The next meetings will be held on Tuesday 10th August at 7.30 p.m. in Cheveley Parish Hall, 102 High Street, Cheveley.