On Tuesday 8th November meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity were held in Cheveley Parish Hall. Six Councillors were in attendance, together with District and County Councillor Alan Sharp. Councillors warmly welcomed Sally Hughes who had taken over the position as Clerk to the Parish Council from Marilyn Strand.
Financial matters for the next financial year, in particular setting of the annual budget, were examined at length. A decision on the amount of precept would be taken at the next meeting. It was agreed that, as they no longer had a local presence, the funds held in HSBC would be transferred to another Bank.
The latest accounts, bookings and analysis in respect of the Parish Hall were examined. It was felt that, if funds were available, consideration should be given to repaying some of the loan taken out when the Hall was refurbished.
The Council’s bid under the Local Highways Improvement Initiative to be put forward in the next year would be discussed at a future meeting.
Further to a request from a local resident to plant a tree on Broad Green local studs had been contacted and, as there was no objection, he would be advised that he could go ahead with this.
Dean Hermitage of Hermitage Memorials would be thanked for his excellent work in cleaning the war memorial. Councillors were very impressed with the result and pleased that this had been completed in time for the Remembrance Sunday when Council Chairman Sallie Thomas would lay the wreath on behalf of the Council.
Councillor Hadlow reported that some work was required on various trees at the cemetery. The council agreed that this should go ahead after consultation with a tree specialist.
It was noted that repair work to the only bridleway in Cheveley, at the end starting by the British Legion, was due to be undertaken and it was expected that this would start on 5th January and continue until 24th February. During this period it would be closed as would Cheveley High Street in this area.
A written update was received from former councillor Ali Day on the current status of the Neighbourhood Plan which was close to being finalised.
The defibrillator would be regularly checked and the process recorded by a member of staff.
The council congratulated the clerk, Sally Hughes, on attaining her CILCA qualification. Further staffing matters were discussed during a confidential item.
At the meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity, which followed the Parish Council meeting, the necessity for identifying a suitable person to carry out weekly inspections of the play area and play equipment was discussed. It was agreed that a member of staff would be asked to take over this responsibility. Back up would be arranged. The annual inspection would be undertaken by RoSPA. Repairs to the climbing frame would be made and this had been cordoned off until then.
Additional CCTV had been installed in the Pavilion area.
Councillors were saddened to learn that one of the trees planted for the late Queen’s Canopy, a tulip tree, had disappeared together with the posts and ties supporting it. This would be replaced and security measures put in place.
The next scheduled meetings will be held on Tuesday 13th December 2022 at 7.30 p.m. in Cheveley Parish Hall. For information on this or any other matter please refer to the website (www.cheveley-pc.gov.uk) or contact via: clerk@cheveley-pc.gov.uk, or telephone 07483 107014.