On Tuesday 10th January meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity were held in Cheveley Parish Hall. All eight Councillors were present together with District and County Councillor Alan Sharp.
The staining of the new cupboards was booked for January 2023. A review of the Council’s banking arrangements was being undertaken and the initial indication was that most Building Societies no longer accepted account applications from Parish Councils and many of the Banks referred them to their Business divisions which were often not accessible in local branches. Investigations would continue to ascertain the best option available.
Councillors were delighted to be able to report that Rowena Berridge had accepted the role of caretaker which she had started this month.
Thanks were given to two pupils from Cheveley School, Lena and Sophie, who had carried out a litter pick in Oak Lane on New Year’s Day.
The process for the purchase of small items was discussed and in view of the VAT position and other administration issues it was recommended that, whenever possible, these should be made by the clerk. When this was not possible purchases by Councillors should be authorised by two other Councillors and should be submitted for reimbursement at the next Parish Council meeting.
Further to an issue of rotting which had been identified in white village sign gates Highways department reported that these could be purchased and installed with concrete foundations. However, in view of the extremely high cost, it was agreed not to go ahead with these immediately. The situation would be reviewed once it has been established whether they can be repaired rather than wholly replaced which would hopefully reduce the costs.”
Councillor Phil Nutt had produced a report of the bookings for use of the Parish Hall. This was very encouraging but there was concern regarding the number of sessions that were not being charged for in view of the costs incurred to run the Hall, particularly for heating during the winter months.
Former councillor, Claire Elbrow had produced details of grants that could be applied for by the Parish Council but these were not considered relevant to Cheveley Parish at this time.
A resident had requested that an additional defibrillator be installed to serve the Sanctuary housing area of Cheveley village. This was considered and it was decided, as there was already one in the South Ward available in the centre of the village at the Parish Hall, not to proceed at present. It was noted that there was presently no defibrillator in the North Ward of the Parish.
Further tree work had become necessary at the cemetery and it was agreed that this should go ahead.
It was necessary to hold an Extra Ordinary meeting, scheduled for Tuesday 17th January. Although members of the public could attend the meeting they would be excluded from the main item for discussion concerning legal issues pertaining to the Parish Hall car park.
At the meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity which immediately followed the Parish Council meeting it was reported that a pipe had burst at the pavilion during the recent cold weather. Minor damage had occurred to some equipment that was stored there. Thanks to swift attention by our Clerk, Sally Hughes, the damaged pipes had been repaired.
The replacement for the missing tulip tree would shortly be purchased. Remains of this tree, which had been discovered hidden by undergrowth that had now died away, showed that it had been badly vandalised and destroyed but not stolen as had previously been thought.
Work to repair the climbing frame was due to commence on 16th January.
The next scheduled meetings will be held on Tuesday 14th February 2023 at 7.30 p.m. in Cheveley Parish Hall. For information on this or any other matter please refer to the website (www.cheveley-pc.gov.uk) or contact via: clerk@cheveley-pc.gov.uk, or telephone 07483 107014.