On Tuesday 9th March meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity were again held via an online meeting platform. Parish Councillors, County Councillor Mathew Shuter, District Councillor Alan Sharp and members of the public were in attendance.
Much of the meeting was dominated by matters relating to Cheveley Parish Hall. Renovation work was nearing completion. However, additional improvements would continue if and when funds were available. In order to help to assess this it was agreed to hold an Extra Ordinary meeting on Tuesday 23rd March by which time it was hoped that more accurate budget figures would be available.
Presently the work was behind schedule by around one month but the main building work should be completed by 23rd April. Items including a large safe and an oil tank that were surplus to requirements would be offered for sale on E-bay. Councillor Marvin reported that she had undertaken a site visit and gave a rundown of the procedure involved in the reparation of the retaining wall between the neighbouring property and the Parish Hall. It was agreed that the floor of the garden room and kitchen would be covered in the same type of vinyl as that in the entrance hall.
Whilst extra work was being carried out it should be possible, subject to Covid-19 restrictions, to take some bookings for hiring the rooms at the hall. There are two rooms which would be suitable to hold meetings etc. – one on the site of the old Chapel and the other overlooking the garden.
Once all the work had been completed the official opening event would take place and it was anticipated that this would be held on Sunday 1st August.
In view of the expenditure on this project being more than originally anticipated, there would be limited spending available for other projects during the next financial year.
Councillor Fullerton had looked at the possibility of laying a new surface on the footpath from Brook Stud to Broad Green.
Councillor Treanor had attended a LHI Panel Meeting that considered speed reduction signs near Hobbs Warren in Oak Lane. The outcome of this would be known in June.
Councillor Day provided details of the cost of applying for a lamp post attachment licence for the Parish Council’s Moveable Vehicle Activated Signs. As it would save funds in the long run to apply for the licence in both North and South Wards, it was agreed to apply for all the proposed locations at the same time.
Bird and bat boxes had been placed in various locations including the cemetery and the recreation ground. Thanks was given to Mr Alan Seager for providing these free of charge, and to Matilda Malagueira and her team for making the arrangements.
It was agreed to donate £50 towards the purchase of a sign indicating Oak Tree Corner which has been installed.
The Neighbourhood Plan had not advanced as much as it had been hoped but it could still be a possibility that a consultation on it could take place in May which could result in it being published by the end of the year.
County Councillor Mathew Shuter and District Councillor Alan Sharp gave their reports. East Cambridgeshire was still one of the least Covid-19 affected areas in the country. A programme of repairing pavements, drains and gulleys would be undertaken throughout the area by Cambridgeshire County Council. Councillors were asked to warn residents that there had been a spate of dog thefts and also thefts of catalytic converters in the region recently.
There had been excellent candidates nominated for the McCalmont Cup and the new award for Young Volunteer of the Year. Recipients for each category were chosen and would be awarded with their trophies at the Annual Parish Meeting which was due to take place on Tuesday 20th April.
At the meeting of Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity which followed the Parish Council meeting Councillor Fullerton reported that the damaged barbecue had been repaired by resident Mr Alan Lentle who was thanked for this. A new lock to a toilet door had been fitted. However sadly, since then, further vandalism had taken place.
Work on the perimeter wall was expected to resume towards the end of May.
English bluebells would be planted later in the year.
Arrangements were in hand for a meeting to be held between representatives of Cheveley Sports Club and some Parish Councillors.
The next full meetings of the Parish Council and the Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity would take place on Tuesday 13th April. For full details of these or any other matters please contact the Clerk.