On Tuesday 12th May meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity were held once again using an online meeting platform. The meetings were open to the public and a few were in attendance together with County Councillor Mathew Shuter, District Councillor Alan Sharp and all Parish Councillors.
A member of the public raised the issue of horses being ridden on public footpaths in the Parish. Riders of horses should be aware that this is not allowed and are asked to desist from doing so.
The Clerk reported that she continues to attend conference calls from ECDC once a week to discuss the volunteer network across the district during the coronavirus crisis. These have included guests from Care Network, Age UK and Cambridgeshire Constabulary.
Information on the Council’s Covid 19 support page on the website had been verified and updated where necessary Calls were made to all local businesses mentioned on the page and links to external websites checked to ensure they worked. A link to the updated page was shared on the Council’s Facebook page.
Councillor Shuter expressed appreciation to Council officers for their brilliant work in a myriad of different aspects related to the coronavirus. Cambridgeshire was being well served by its hospitals and there had been no major issues. PPE was being supplied to nursing homes and where there were any problems the Cambridgeshire County Council task force have been helping. He also reported that work on the A1303 had been completed and pot holes were continuing to be filled whilst traffic was light on roads in the county. Safety work will commence on the Swaffham Bulbeck junction of the A1303 this year. Councillor Alan Sharp reported that, unlike in some neighbouring areas, the green bin rubbish collection had been maintained for those living in East Cambridgeshire District.
Seeds for the sunflower competition are now available from Councillor Elbrow in the South Ward ((01638 731513) and Councillor Willows in the North Ward (01638 662869). A poster will be shared to the Council’s Facebook page and website advertising the competition.
The handyman would soon be repainting the former telephone boxes in Post-Box red paint. These are now used to hold second-hand books and videos.
Councillor Fullerton reported on a meeting he had had with the Kennet Action Group which had been formed to fight a large housing development in Kennet. The development had recently been granted planning permission. It was suggested that Cheveley Parish Council consider making a financial contribution towards mounting a judicial review but it was decided not to make a contribution. However, it was agreed that the PC would continue to be involved in becoming part of a local alliance of parishes to work together to fight unwanted development.
Councillor Day reported that work had continued on the Neighbourhood Plan and it was on course to be ready in the autumn for a referendum after that.
Consideration was given as to the allocation of responsibilities in Parish Council matters.
Following an Extra Ordinary meeting of the Council on 30th April which was held to discuss the outcome of the building surveys, the process to purchase the former United Reform Church building was continuing to be dealt with by the solicitors for both parties. A fee estimate from KJ Architects for the project management of repairs and improvements after completion was considered and was approved in respect of pre-building work. It was agreed that the loft area should be surveyed prior to purchase. It was hoped that a group of interested parties would be formed from among residents to take the project of providing a community hub forward. The council would like to hear from anyone interested in being involved in this exciting endeavour. Please initially contact the clerk if you would like to be part of this (clerk@cheveley-pc.gov.uk or telephone 01638 780835).
Quotations in respect of repairs to memorials in the cemetery had been requested. The wild flower meadow there appeared to be progressing well and it was hoped for a good display this summer in the initial area to be developed. The other area designated for this had been cut and would be harrowed in preparation for seed sowing in the autumn.
At the meeting of the Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity that immediately followed it was reported that the Annual Play Area inspection had raised issues which needed attention. This work would be undertaken as soon as it was possible to arrange it.
The outside toilet would remain open for the time being. In order not to encourage gatherings of people it was decided that the damaged barbeque would not be rebuilt at the present time.
The next meetings would be held on Tuesday 9th June at 7.30 p.m. Please consult the website (www.cheveley-pc.gov.uk) for details of the venue.