On Tuesday 12th March meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity were held in the Garden Room at Cheveley Parish Hall. All eight Councillors were present together with District Councillor and County Councillor Alan Sharp. A member of the public was also in attendance for a short time. In the absence of the Clerk, Mrs Sally Hughes, through illness, Vice Chairman Rob Treanor again took the minutes.
The meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity opened proceedings at 7.30 p.m. At this it was agreed to commission a report on the possibility of a footpath across the Recreation Ground to the Pavilion and play area and also disabled access to the Pavilion.
The dog bin near the car park had rusted and would be replaced.
It was approved for Cllr Jackson to attend the next play equipment inspection for which the inspector would charge an additional small fee.
The CCTV monitoring equipment would also be relocated.
At the following Cheveley Parish Council meeting it was reported that the Neighbourhood Plan was with East Cambridgeshire District Council and the next step would then be a Referendum.
A partial repayment had been made in respect of the loan taken out to purchase the Parish Hall property.
Councillors agreed the revised Terms and Conditions for hiring the Parish Hall and thanked Councillors Marvin and Jackson for all their work in producing these. It was decided that a deposit would be taken on bookings for the hire of the Parish Hall.
Members of the Brownies had volunteered to tidy the community libraries. They were thanked and it was agreed that they should do this.
Councillor Jackson had finished the Parish Newsletter and the final draft was discussed and agreed. This would be distributed to all households in the Parish.
Evidence of the presence of vermin in the cemetery was apparent and bait boxes would be places where necessary.
The next meetings will be held on Tuesday 9th March at 7.15 p.m. in the Garden Room of Cheveley Parish Hall. For information on this or any other matter please refer to the website (www.cheveley-pc.gov.uk) or contact via: clerk@cheveley-pc.gov.uk, or telephone 07483 107014.