On Tuesday 12th December meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity were held in the Garden Room at Cheveley Parish Hall. Eight Councillors were present together with District and County Councillor Alan Sharp and District Councillor James Lay. There were no members of the public in attendance.
The clerk reported that local groups had been contacted for input about forming an upcoming parish events list which would soon be available on the Parish Council website and selected Council notice boards in the Parish.
It was reported that there had been a lot of mud on the road caused by work at the former MOD bungalows development site on Oak Lane. Councillors raised their frustration at the level of disturbance this was causing residents. Councillor Sharp was following this up and the clerk agreed to contact the developers again to ask them to regularly sweep the road and park their cars on site. Residents should also contact the developer Denbury Homes on 01284 653073 if they have concerns.
Cambridgeshire County Council will be replacing all streetlights with LED bulbs in Cheveley at a date to be advised during 2024.
The bus shelter opposite the shop has been stripped of ivy and will be stained shortly. It was agreed to arrange for hedges at the Parish Hall and the Cemetery to be trimmed.
A resident of the Parish had offered to give a large ground standing flagpole to the Council so long as it was situated close to the Parish Hall. This was considered but it was felt that there was no suitable safe location for it there and that the present arrangement of one sited on the tower of the church was sufficient for the needs of the Parish. They would therefore be thanked for their offer which would be declined.
It was agreed to go ahead with the work to improve the acoustics in the Jubilee Room of the Parish Hall.
The proposal to apply to this year’s Local Highways initiative scheme for highway and footpath improvements at Little Green between Icknield Close and the pub was postponed. It will be considered again next year following discussion with residents.
Future long term financial plans for maintenance of large assets under the Council’s control were considered. Due to previous diligent management in this respect it was once again possible to keep the Precept application at £80,000 at which level it had been for many years. To reduce the amount paid in interest charges on capital borrowed for the purchase of the Hall an amount would be repaid now followed by further ones over the following years.
At the meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity that immediately followed the Parish Council one it was reported that bags had been purchased for the dog bag dispenser.
It was reported that James Hadlow and Richard Jackson had met with members of Cheveley Sports Club to discuss the Club’s proposal that a 3×3 Basketball Court be installed at the Recreation Ground. The Club were asked to investigate the likely demand for this facility and prepare a full costing and funding proposal so that it could be considered further.
Possible installation of a footpath from the car park to the Pavilion and the children’s play area and improving accessibility of the Pavilion would be added to the Council’s potential projects list and discussed at a future meeting when costings were available.
An examination of vegetation close to the boundary with a neighbouring property had been undertaken and it was agreed to clear some which was overhanging and remove five small trees which were a safety risk. Six trees which had been obtained under the ECDC Pride of Place grant had been planted by Councillors Sallie Thomas and James Hadlow with the help of residents Phil Nutt and Glyn Evans.
It was brought to Council attention that the British Heart Foundation currently support installation of defibrillators and a suggestion was made to install one at the Recreation Ground. After discussion it was decided that the North Ward of the Parish was currently a priority because it didn’t have one whilst the village had one in a central location at the Parish Hall. Locations in North Ward would be considered and an application put forward for a decision at a future meeting.
A newsletter would be produced annually and delivered to all properties in the Parish.
It was felt that for practical reasons future meetings of the Charity should be held prior to the Parish Council meetings. This would be implemented at the next meeting date of Tuesday 9th January at 7.30 p.m. in the Garden Room of Cheveley Parish Hall. For information on this or any other matter please refer to the website (www.cheveley-pc.gov.uk) or contact via: clerk@cheveley-pc.gov.uk, or telephone 07483 107014.