Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity meetings were held on Tuesday 11th June in the Community Room of Cheveley School. The meetings were attended by 9 Parish Councillors and District Councillor Alan Sharp.
Following the resignation of Tracey Peel the vacancy for a Parish Councillor to represent the South Ward (Cheveley village) had been advertised. There had been no applications to date. Anyone interested should contact the clerk, Mrs. Marilyn Strand, by email ( or by telephone (01638 780835). It was with regret that the resignation of Councillor Hascombe-Brook for personal reasons was announced. The resulting vacancy for another South ward Councillor would also be advertised.
The council were advised that, under the terms of Cambridgeshire County Council’s recently introduced Streetlights Attachments Policy, permission is required to attach a new dog waste bin to a streetlight in the Somerset Court/Spurling Close area. The application is in progress.
The Asset Register has been updated with all new/disposed equipment and has been checked against the insurance policy to ensure adequate cover is in place. The Risk Assessment area forms have also been updated and areas for inspection will be allocated to Councillors at the July meeting.
Following problems with one of the taps to the rain water collection unit at the cemetery, the water stored had leaked out. This would be repaired as soon as possible. The connection to the mains water would be facilitated until the level of rain water was re-established.
The clerk would attend CAPALC’s Share the Vision, Shape the Future conference on 28th June. Four Councillors would attend the Parish Forum on 17th June.
It was agreed to join the Next Door social media platform for a trial period.
The bus pass scheme which was instigated successfully last summer would continue throughout this year’s summer holiday break.
A meeting of Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity immediately followed the Council meeting.
It was reported that East Cambridgeshire District Council had now removed the large pile of rubbish that had been dumped at the Recreation Ground. The outside tap and strip light in the right-hand store had been repaired and the brushes have been chained to the barbeques so they are ready for use. Further repairs to the pavilion will be carried out on 17th and 18th June.
Repairs to the zip wire will be undertaken by Fenland Leisure during week starting 1st July.
Further information was awaited regarding the Cycle Works project that the Council had hoped to install. In the meantime, enquiries are being made regarding the possibility of setting up a reduced entrance cost scheme to the track at Kennett.
The damage to the perimeter wall had been repaired and it was hoped that the work to re-point it would begin shortly. Contractors had been asked to remove the ivy in preparation for this work.
Following various consultations regarding the future possible redevelopment of the pavilion that had taken place over the preceding few months it had been decided that an informal meeting of Councillors would take place at the pavilion on Thursday 20th June in order to review all information and the current schemes. A meeting with all Community Group contacts has been requested to help gain further views.
The next meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and the Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity will take place on Tuesday 9th July in the Community Room of Cheveley School at 7.30 p.m.