The first meetings in 2020 of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity were held on Tuesday 14th January in the Community Room of Cheveley School.
It was reported that there had been no applications to fill the two vacancies for co-option as councillors. Anyone interested in applying should contact the clerk ( or 01638 780835) for further detail
Various changes had been made to the Council bank accounts including the appointment of new signatories.
Correspondence had been received from a resident of the Hobb’s Warren development in Oak Lane requesting that the 30mph speed limit zone be extended to encompass that area and new signage at the entrance of the village.
Councillors Gibson, Willows and Marvin would attend the Parish Forum meeting on Monday 20th January which would be held in the Community Room, Cheveley.
Further to the necessity to remove three trees from the old part of the cemetery eight young oaks had been planted. The cost of these trees was slightly higher than the original estimate as the ones previously quoted for were no longer in stock. A risk assessment of the cemetery had been undertaken which had highlighted some instability in a small number of headstones. Work to correct this would be undertaken. A Memorial Management Policy was due to be considered but as not all councillors had had time to read it the item was deferred until the next meeting. Members of the public are advised to exercise caution whenever visiting cemeteries. Councillor Noble raised the issue of neighbouring trees and growth overhanging the cemetery path and the clerk would write to the owners of the property concerned to request that these be removed.
Councillor Fullerton reported that there was some interest from the neighbouring Parish Councils that he had contacted regarding working together against over development in the area. His recommendation was that we continue to monitor interest but take no further action at this point
A final polish of the Cheveley Neighbourhood Plan would be undertaken before it was presented at the February meeting.
It was agreed that the Council would pay for dropped kerb markings in the Spurling Close/Somerset Court area where many of the residents were elderly. An estimate for the speed reduction work in the North Ward had been received which was slightly more that the budgeted amount.
At the meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity it was reported that a meeting had been held in December with the architect chosen to assist in the redevelopment of the pavilion. Various options had been discussed including the possibility of rebuilding it, refurbishing it with a view to extending it as the community needs change or a new build. Since then he had returned to take measurements and view all areas more closely. He will attend the February meeting with an update. A letter had been received from Cheveley Sports Club expressing their disappointment in the decision to limit the redevelopment to the existing or slightly increased footprint. Members of the Sports Club were in attendance at the meeting and read out a letter from the Chairman of the Governors of Cheveley School supporting their view and which stated that the Governors anticipated that school numbers would increase over the next few years and that additional classroom space would almost certainly be needed which could entail the Community Room being incorporated into the School. The Council explained that the plan being prepared by the architect was an initial one only, with thoughts based on actual evidence of need, and it was agreed that there would be further discussion between interested parties before a final decision on the redevelopment was taken.
Following a request from Cheveley Primary School and Cheveley Sports Club It was agreed that the Pavilion could be used free of charge for a proposed Sport Relief event on Friday 13th March.
Meetings of both Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity will be held on Tuesday 11th February at 7.30 p.m. in the Community Room at Cheveley School.