The final meetings in 2019 of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity were held on Tuesday 10th December in the Community Room of Cheveley School.
At the Parish Council meeting it was reported that Cambridgeshire County Council had been informed that street lights near the new Oak Lane development were on all the time. A faulty street light in Church Lane had been reported to K&M Lighting.
The No Through Road sign in Church Lane was obscured by a tree and needed cleaning and Cambridgeshire County Council had been informed of this. In addition, a further No Through Road sign has been requested to be added to the street name sign to try to deter large vehicles from entering the lane and then having to turn around to exit, causing damage to verges and driveways in the process. The street light inventory has been updated with UK Power Networks following the loss of one light on Oak Lane which should mean a slight reduction in bills from Eon.
Following the purchase of a ground post the dog foul bin will shortly be installed by the handyman in Spurling Close.
It was agreed to give delegated power to the Clerk for urgent expenditure on gravestones whenever this became necessary. The handyman would be asked to carry out remedial work on unstable headstones. A risk assessment would be undertaken on memorial stones in the cemetery. Following permission from East Cambridgeshire District Council a quotation for the removal of three trees in the old section of the cemetery was approved and this would take place on Monday 23rd December. Eight new trees were due to be planted and it was anticipated that this work would be carried out by a working party on Saturday 21st December commencing at 10 a.m.
Further to the closure of the waste disposal and recycling site in Depot Road, Newmarket, it was decided to support former District Councillor Peter Cresswell’s efforts to have it reopened by contacting East Cambridgeshire District Council to ask for their support in this matter.
The Annual Parish meeting would be held on Tuesday 21st April 2020.
A meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity followed.
It was reported that the PTFA of Cheveley School welcomed the news that their clothing bank can remain in the car park on a six month trial basis. They also confirmed that there would not be space for it in the children’s playground. Barnardos have been asked to remove their clothing bank as soon as possible.
Annual fire and safety checks on the pavilion had been booked for January and work on the perimeter wall of the Recreation Ground would recommence once the weather was less cold.
Councillor Day reported on the meeting that she and Councillor Hadlow attended with Cheveley Sports Club when they outlined the Council’s proposed plans for redevelopment of the pavilion. The Council would continue to communicate with them to keep them updated on the progress of the project. Quotations from three prospective architects to draw up plans for the pavilion improvements as per the agreed brief were considered. An on-site meeting would be requested with the chosen company.
The next meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Recreation Ground and Pavilion Charity would take place on Tuesday 14th January at 7.30 p.m. in the Community Room of Cheveley School.