Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity meetings were held on Tuesday 12th November in the Community Room of Cheveley School.

A litter pick had been held on Sunday 27th October which had been attended by a few residents but not as many as on previous occasions.   Equipment that had been provided by East Cambridgeshire District Council had been returned to them.   Two young people from the Parish are currently litter picking for their Duke of Edinburgh awards and have borrowed Parish Council’s equipment and PPE for this.

Model Financial Regulations and Website Accessibility Policies had been updated on the website ( as had new cemetery regulations and details of amended burial fees.

Councillor Noble had attended the Remembrance Service on 10th November and laid a wreath on behalf of the Parish Council.

Councillors were given an update on the progress of the production of the draft Neighbourhood Plan which was close to being completed.

The budget for 2020/2021 was considered at length and it was once again agreed not to increase the precept which would remain at £80,000.  This would result in a small reduction in the amount of Council Tax payable by householders in respect of the Cheveley Parish element.  In order to protect Council funds a savings account would be opened with Unity Trust Bank.

District Councillor Alan Sharp reported that the Local Plan was being kept under review by East Cambridgeshire District Council.   A National study paper on planning was expected to be produced next year.  There would be a consultation on possible routes for Cycle Ways in areas where verges were sufficiently wide.

It was reported that there would be news at the next meeting regarding the application for traffic calming in Ashley Road under the Local Highways Improvement Scheme.

Correspondence had been received from Lucy Fraser QC MP regarding a Strategic Bus Review being carried out by the Cambridge & Peterborough Combined Authority.   All residents who use this form of transport are urged to complete the survey either online at or by telephone on 07377001512 before 13th December 2019.

A meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity immediately followed the Parish Council meeting.

Following the agreement at the previous meeting to remove the clothing bank from the recreation ground car park, the situation was reviewed because the PTFA of Cheveley School benefited financially from this facility, and it provided funds for school outings.   It was agreed, in view of this, to keep it in place for a trial period of six months providing that the surrounding area was kept free of dumped rubbish.

A skip would be booked to clear away rubbish that had accumulated in the Recreation Ground.

Following meetings with the school and information from Cheveley Sports Club, the next steps forward for the pavilion were agreed.  An outline brief was agreed,  and a decision was made to request costs from three architects to draw up plans to brief.  It was anticipated that this project would be carried out during 2020.  Councillors Day and Hadlow would arrange to meet with representatives of Cheveley Sports Club to inform them of the Council’s intention for the development.

The next meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity will be held on Tuesday 10th December in the Community Room of Cheveley School at 7.30 p.m.