Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity meetings were held on Tuesday 13th August in the Community Room of Cheveley School. The meetings were attended by several members of the public, Parish Councillors and District Councillors Amy Starkey and Alan Sharp.
The clerk reported that posters advertising the two vacancies for co-option to the Parish Council had been placed on notice boards and the website. To date there had been no applicants. The conclusion of audit notice and sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Annual Return have been uploaded to the Council’s website. The newsletter was printed and distributed to households in the Parish on 17th July.
Some residents expressed concern about the siting of proposed stud workers’ dwellings on Ashley Road. The Council would propose that these should be situated within the development envelope. The Council were pleased to note that applicants for around 22 dwellings at Home Office Bungalows, Little Green, had taken into account their suggestions and altered their plans accordingly. The Parish Council would support the amended development.
A draft of the Neighbourhood Plan would be available at the next meeting.
Following concern at the previous meeting regarding access via Side Hill Stud from Ashley Road to Newmarket gallops it was reported that this was not an official footpath and could not be made permanent. However it was explained that the notice that had appeared on it was merely to register that the land is privately owned and there was no indication that this valued amenity would be withdrawn.
It was agreed to put together a process to be followed by residents who would like Parish Council support for projects they want to run within the parish. This will be made available on the website ( once it is completed.
Road Safety Awareness Week, 18th to 24th November 2019, will be coordinated with Speed Watch operations if possible. It was understood that, in the North Ward, new speed limits will be applied to Duchess Drive (30 mph with a 40 mph buffer) and Centre Drive (20 mph). Ashley Road will remain at 40 mph and this will restrict the type of traffic calming measures that can be applied, details of which will be advised later.
As the next stage of tree planting and management in the Parish it was agreed that 3 trees should be removed from the cemetery and eight planted. The work will be carried out once planning permission is obtained.
This year’s Autumn Litter Pick will take place on Sunday 27th October.
At the Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity meeting that followed the Council meeting it was reported that 24 Cycle Works Project vouchers had been given to children to enable them free access to the Cycle Works at Kennett. To date no bus passes had been given out.
Work will continue on repointing the Recreation Ground wall once the very hot weather is out of the way and contractors had been instructed to remove the Miram skate unit.
The Community Group meeting held on 11th July was discussed as was the advancement of the pavilion project. It was decided that further consultation with the school and Cheveley Sports Club will be carried out before any decisions are made regarding the options available.
The next meeting of both Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity will be held on Tuesday 10th September at 7.30 in the Community Room at Cheveley School.