Some residents recently approached the Parish Council to enquire if anything further can be done about speeding vehicles in the village. The issue was discussed at the Parish Council meeting on 10th December. The Parish Council has limited powers to authorise speed prevention measures, this is ultimately the responsibility of Cambridgeshire County Council highways department and the Police.
One tool the Parish Council has available is to make a proposal via the Local Highways Improvement (LHI) scheme. This allows Cambridgeshire County Council to prioritise improvements within their budget for the year ahead. If successful, the Parish Council will also make a contribution towards the cost.
Having listened to your concerns, councillors have submitted a Local Highways Improvement bid for 2024/25 focusing on traffic calming/improvements on Park Road. The proposal focuses on the village entrance with the aim to reduce the speed limit from 60mph to 40mph creating a “buffer zone” before the village sign similar to Newmarket Road and Oak Lane. It will also involve adding white “village gates” at the Cheveley sign on Park Road and associated road marking to increase compliance transitioning into the 30mph zone. This bid will be judged against others from across the county and, if successful, we hope work can start within the next 12 months. We will also continue to work with our County Councillor Alan Sharpe to look for other calming measures, such as chicanes, within the 30mph zone closer to the school.
A proven method to reduce speeding and provide evidence of hot spots is via a Speedwatch group. We are looking for volunteers to reinvigorate this initiative in Cheveley and be deployed with a speed gun to record vehicles speeding on our roads. Training on the use of the speed gun will be provided. Data recorded will act as vital evidence for us to present to the County Council and Police where hotspots exist and where initiatives need to be focused.
We would like to thank the volunteers who regularly move the mobile speed signs around fixed points in the parish. These sign provide additional data we can use. Please see for more information.

Should you wish to volunteer to speed watch, then please contact our Clerk, Mrs Sally Hughes on 07483 107014 or email