On Tuesday 8th June, for the first time since March 2020, meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity were held in-person. The venue was a spacious room in the newly and almost completely renovated Parish Hall where business could be conducted in comfortable and pleasant surroundings whilst complying with all Covid 19 restrictions and recommendations.
Seven Councillors were in attendance, together with the clerk, Marilyn Strand, District and County Councillor Alan Sharp and one member of the public.
Residents of the Parish were reminded that there were vacancies for Councillors in both the North and South Ward. Anyone interested should contact the Parish Clerk, Mrs Marilyn Strand, for further particulars (clerk@cheveley-pc.gov.uk or telephone 01638 780835).
The notice board on Meadow Lane had been repaired by Graham Strand and thanks would be passed on to him for this.
Keys to the Parish Hall had been distributed to all members of the Hall Management Team and to the Clerk. The intruder alarm had been activated and key holders have been informed of the code.
County and District Councillor Alan Sharp reported on County and District Council matters. The bus/cycling/walking review had been slightly delayed.
A few amendments were made to the draft newsletter which would be circulated to all properties within the parish next month.
Following inspection of the Council’s accounts a highly satisfactory report had been received from the Internal Auditor.
The majority of this meeting was taken up by matters relating to Cheveley Parish Hall concerning the remaining items to be refurbished. Councillors were updated on project expenditure and the estimated amount still required for, among other things, storage facilities, toilet improvements, garden and fencing work and the sanding and sealing of the front room hall floor. It was felt that efforts should be made to reduce the loan over the next few years so as not to place an ongoing burden on resources for years to come.
Councillor Marvin was thanked for her work on producing specifications and costings for the kitchen. A proposal was considered to install an electric oven but it was felt that the limited space precluded this. It was agreed to proceed with the refitting of the kitchen and the repair of its floor at the same time.
Quotations for work to the retaining wall are awaited and the Clerk will follow up with the contractor.
The floor of the front room of the building would be sanded and sealed as per a quotation already received.
Names for the two large rooms in the hall were considered and it was agreed that the one at the rear of the property would be known as the Garden Room. Suggestions to call the other room the Chapel Room or the Old Chapel Room were rejected and other ideas would be considered at the next meeting.
Councillor Marvin explained the Fire Officer’s report to the meeting.
A skip would be hired prior to a working party on 26th June to clear unwanted items from the property and its grounds.
Due to the large amount of work remaining to be completed and unforeseeable delays it was felt that the official opening day should be changed to 5th September. A proposal to invite the Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire to formally open the Hall was agreed. The Hall Management Team would undertake arrangements for the event.
At the meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity which immediately followed the Parish Council meeting it was reported that Cheveley Sports Club had been issued with a set of keys to the pavilion.
Councillor Fullerton reported that there had been yet another issue of vandalism – again causing damage to one of the barbecues. It was agreed that this would be the subject of further discussion at the next meeting when remedial action would be considered to prevent law-abiding residents losing the enjoyment of using them in the summer months. Fenland Leisure had not yet provided a date for the repair of the Cable Way.
The next meetings would be held on Tuesday 13th July at 7.30 p.m. and, it was anticipated, would again be held in Cheveley Parish Hall For further information on this or any other matter please consult the website.