On Tuesday 11th August meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity were held once again using an online meeting platform. As well as Parish Councillors, District Councillor Alan Sharp and County Councillor Mathew Shuter were in attendance.
It was reported that nearly all the vouchers for children living in the Parish to attend Phoenix Cycle Works had been allocated within a very short time of being advertised on Facebook and the website.
Work had commenced on repainting the former telephone boxes.
The Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2019-20 had been submitted to the internal auditor whose report was good. Sections 1 and 2 of this are displayed on the Council’s website and notice boards in order to satisfy legislation regarding the right of members of the public to inspect the unaudited accounts.
Speed reduction measures that were being implemented in the North Ward of the Parish were now well underway although it was not known when the work would be completed.
In his report Cambridgeshire County Councillor Mathew Shuter informed the Council that he had received a complaint from a parishioner regarding the speed of vehicles using Duchess Drive. Since then the 30 mph limit had been introduced to much of the road and it was anticipated that a mobile speed detection unit would be utilised there and in other areas of the Parish when it was received. Councillor Day would contact the complainant explaining this. Councillor Shuter also reported that recycling centres throughout the county were currently available by appointment only. Covid-19 incidence throughout the county remained low and the local Track and Trace scheme was currently working well with well over 80% success in tracing.
District Councillor Alan Sharp reported that at a recent meeting of East Cambridgeshire District Council councillors were unanimously in favour of banning sky lanterns and balloons being released from ECDC owned land.
Minor adjustments to update the cemetery regulations were approved including conditions for the consideration to purchase burial space for non-residents. Other cemetery matters discussed included arrangements for the preparation of phase two of the wildflower meadow.
At an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council on Thursday 6th August Councillors had studied and discussed tenders submitted by contractors for the repair and renovation that would be necessary to the former United Reform Church building following completion of the purchase. It was agreed that Keith Johns of K J Architects would be asked to oversee the procedure, and he was able to respond to queries regarding the suitability of the applicants in respect of the work, following which it was agreed to accept one of the tenders submitted. The amount tendered would be valid for three months. Various VAT permutations were considered and it was decided that the option to reclaim it would not be taken as this would have future financial repercussions in respect of hire payments which would have then become subject to VAT.
At this meeting approval was given for the purchase contract of the property to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk as necessary and for completion of the purchase to take place on 31st August if that date was suitable to the vendors, and subject to comments from councillors which must be submitted by Friday 14th August. The funding of the renovation work was discussed at length and various grants and appeals for donations were considered for this exciting project. These would be progressed by the Chairman and Clerk. It was felt that the community space for many different events would be beneficial to the Parish as a whole. Updated Terms of Reference for the team of local volunteers who had shown an interest in forming part of the management committee were agreed and it was decided that it should be known as the Cheveley Parish Hall.
At the following meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity it was reported that the zip wire and net traverse had been repaired. Monthly play equipment inspections by East Cambridgeshire District Council had resumed.
There was concern that the electricity bill for the pavilion was high and this would be looked into.
It was decided that, once the Parish Hall purchase was completed and when the ongoing costs involved in the restoration of that were known, some Councillors would meet with representatives of Cheveley Sports Club regarding the future development of the Pavilion and their ongoing use of it and the Recreation Ground.
The next scheduled meetings are due to be held on Tuesday 8th September at 7.30. It is anticipated that restrictions on holding face to face meetings would be in place for some time therefore please consult the website (www.cheveley-pc.gov.uk) regarding the venue and for any other information regarding Parish Council or Pavilion & Recreation Ground matters. The Parish Clerk, Mrs Marilyn Strand, can be contacted on clerk@cheveley-pc.gov.uk or by telephoning 01638 780835